Anchorage at Plettenbergbay

We left Latimers landing on 11 February at about 13h00 after waiting an hour for the Chileans on Surazo. We sailed to about 15miles offshore to get most of the Benguela current. Only 3 hours on the see and Jaco caught a beautiful 5kg yellow fin tuna. I cooked a chicken stew while waiting for the Chileans, so we kept the tuna in the fridge for the following day. We had great winds and the current, thus we could make 10 knots on our slow boat.
On February, 12 at about midday the winds became stronger to about 35knots. Luckily we were in the same direction, but it was for a beginner sailor a terrifying experience. There were about 5meters up and 5meters down waves. Songerie handled very well and were very dry. Surazo had a few waves in the cockpit. The weather forecast predicted winds to turn South the following day. We had to try and reach Plettenberbay in time to escape this. Jaco and I did the 2am to 7am shift. A couple of whales welcomed us in the distance at sunrise. We reached Plett at 9am, just in time to anchor before the Southerly started. After a good rest and city lights in the background, Surazo and us enjoyed a tuna "braai" and sashimi this evening on Songerie.

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