It was quite sad to see our Namibian friends leave. Now we are on our own again. “ Shenu” invited us for a meal at Ilha Grande, just on the other side of the river.We pulled up anchor and found a lovely spot where we stayed almost another week!! (Another quiet little village, good anchorage with not too much influence by the tides and no roll.) They offered us drinking water to fill up our empty tanks. From here we went further up the river to Marau and the water falls at Ilha Veneca. On our return from the falls we got stuck in mud twice, both times had to wait a bit for the tide to come in a bit more before we could pull us out by using the anchor and make use of the wind on the Jib.
Back at Ilha Grande we decided to return to Salvador for Muddy’s check-up and to get some more charts and other equipment for the boat.