There were such mixed emotions on Songerie upon arrival at Salvador. We wanted to celebrate our achievement of successfully crossing the Atlantic on Songerie (not record time for others), but firstly we had to get Muddy to a vet, it did not look like he will live one more day, he started to vomit early morning. We found a good vet; she immediately took blood samples and said that something is wrong in his blood. Now we had to find our friends Anita and daughter Clarissa, whom is suppose to join us for 10 days, but we have not heard from them for a few days. At last everything came together the following day, we found the friends (they found us) and it looks like Muddy will survive. He have tick fewer which he got in Walvisbay already…. Incredible that he could survive 35 days with such an illness!!! We stayed a few days longer in Salvador at Centro nautico da Bahia to get everything ready for the cruise.