welding ss rail |
We have been sailing for one year and four months and Songerie was showing some wear and tear. The anchor dragging fishing boat in
Maceio caused damage to the stern wood trim and SS push pit. The deck paint was peeling , the toilet was blocked, the fuel tank was dirty and blocking the filters and underwater needed a new layer of antifouling.
In the course of six weeks we did some work: Installed the new shaft and bigger propeller, removed the broken wood trim and put new, fixed the SS push pit and strengthen it, sanded off the laking deck paint and put two layers of poly-urethane mixed with Teflon sand(for non-slip surface), descaled the toilet pipes and valves (nice job!), made canvas covers for the two outboards and two fuel tanks stored on deck, sanded and waxed the floorboards and painted/ varnished some of the interior that need it.We also removed the diesel tank , cut the top open, cleaned it proper and welded the top back on (could not be cleaned properly through the inspection opening because of baffle plates).
new ss bar for outboard (with new cover) |
repairs in ss rai |
The same El Nina that was forcing Namibians to swim caused some rain in what was supposed to be dry area, on one of these days Jaco made a nice, much needed spice rack for the galley. Finally we lifted the waterline (too much wine in the bilge) and painted two layers of antifouling.Muddy once fell off the boat (3.5m high), landed on rocks and when Jaco picked him up was growling, he was softly put down on a pillow to check for broken bones, saw a small lizard and wanted to give chase! He limped for two days after and is fine now.
On 22 March we returned to the water and what a relieve!
galley with new spice racks |
new spice rack |
sunday "braai" |
saturday evening meal |
travel lift struggeling on mud to get to us |
in the water at last |