Isla Blanquilla
The distance to Isla Blanquilla is 60 Nm and we want to arrive in good light, so we left Juangriego at 04h00 with light to moderate easterly winds predicted.
At first wind was light, 5-8 knots, but by 08h00 we had 15 knots on the beam and we were flying… along at good speed. We saw 5 (easily 6-7 says Hennie) pygmy killer whales but were not able to take photo’s. My favourite lure was not working as the birds found it too alluring and was constantly diving onto it, we even hooked a big bird that I had to pull in and release.
After a pleasant sail we dropped anchor at Playa Yaque , Blanquilla at 14h00.
Since we caught no fish I swam over to the nearest reef and shot two rainbow parrot fishes for the evening braai.
We stayed 3 more days on this anchorage, I shoot some fish, Volker from cat Marry bought some snappers from fishermen. We braaied the fish, smoked the barracuda and tasted sea-urchin as well.
One memorable meal was Christelle’s “Plantain Lime fish” in foil with Volker’s “Noedelen Salad”.
Between all the eating and toasting Mattie and Hennie (with his arm in a self-made harnas) managed to fit in some snorkelling on nearby reefs