As usual we find Songerie far too quiet after our friends left.
Luckily we met on the beach at Cayo Largo, a Canadian couple, Frederick and Aline. After we bumped into them the following day at the bar and enjoyed their company a lot, we invited them for a day snorkeling and a lobster BBQ on-board Songerie.
The deal was for them to bring ice and whatever veggies they can get at their hotel, cause we had just zero luck on finding anything! (2 days later after Jaco complained at the marina manager/old friend, he organised a box of whatever was available on the island...sweet peppers, potatoes, aubergine and cabbage)
Geared with ice, mint and carrots (wow an absolute contraband item in this area) we welcomed them on-board. First we motored 2,5 NM to Higo de Ballenatos reef anchorage where we all snorkeled. A day filled with a lot of fun, sun and rum.(great mojitos due to Aline's professional bar experience!) Then back to the Sarena anchorage for a lobster BBQ while we were being eaten alive by mossies, but it did not stop us from having a good time. Thanx you two, hope to see you soon again on-board Songerie! Next time for a longer stay.
This T-shirt now belongs to Jaco, the reason why we met them and was given as present at the end of the day trip. |
Time to set sail for a last visit at Campos. |
And Coco wins.... |
Jaco and Coco racing at our private low tide island! |
And Canela wins.... |
A last (for the season) strong cold front was heading our way. We decided to sit it out at Cayo Campos, because the anchorage at Cayo Largo was getting very full with a lot of charter boats, that normally know very little about safe anchoring.
When the cold front passed, we spend a blissful week here (again only non-french flag boat) where Jaco, fished Cubera snappers, grouper, a mackerel... Sashimi! Then a very big Cubera, that I bottled for eating later in Honduras.
We moved slowly back to Cayo Largo where we checked out of Cuba and waited at Rosario anchorages for a 3 day weather window to set sail for Honduras.
New fish scale... |
(9.5kg Cubera) |
preparing fish for smoking. |
Christelle's favourite horse-eye jack and mutton snapper. |
According to our weather forecast guru, there were no perfect window in the near future. Our only option would be a two day sail and the last day the wind would die totally, leaving us to motor. (After this there would be no wind for a few weeks!!)
We were a bit lonely with no friends left here, had no dog-food (an absolute non existing item on Cuban South coast)or fresh vegetables left. Although Coco and Canela love fish and rice they always look for their dry food at sunset! After a last stunning Cuban sunset and celebrating our meeting date, we set sail on the 1st of May for Guanaja.
To meeting each other 25 years ago! |
Under way these swallows seeked an overnight resting place. Sadly the one was too weak and died during the evening. The following morning the partner circled Songerie twice before it flew away. |